Saturday, December 20, 2014


As a foreigner expecting to get a "trim" or any sort of thing done to your hair, be prepared for the worst. Even some of my chinese friends will say "It doesn't matter what you tell the hairdresser, even in Chinese, they will still do something completely different, and it will generally be a complete mess."I have heard of and gone through my own horror stories of hair salons here. A friend asked for a 2cm cut from her beautiful long hair, ended up with a bob. My own hair was dyed bright orange/yellow after I asked for a few highlights, even though not only had I asked and explained it in Chinese, I also brought about 10 photos of what I wanted. Apparently pictures are not worth any words sometimes.
The second part of this comic is a recurring theme in China. The shabbier a place is, the better it usually is. And this goes for everything from restaurants, to massage parlours, and even hair salons! Not only are your odds of better service guaranteed, the price is usually a LOT lower. My yellow/orange disaster was saved by one such place! And no, I do not parade around in a sexy black cocktail dress.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Nice Chicken...

If you have ever taken any time interest in the Chinese language, you will find it full of homonyms, often hilarious ones. This was one I learned while studying kung fu. Chicken in chinese is jīrou. Muscle is the same, same tones, just different characters. While this may not be one of those witty puns and idioms in the language, I still find it a bit funny.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

When teaching goes haywire...

So I thought I would involve my wonderful little monsters in this one. By monsters I mean 3 year olds, which I have very many of. I can probably make a comic book about the things my kids say and do alone, but that's just going to become another project I'll never finish, so I'll pepper Septembuary from time to time. This was a true event (which is still going on), as my topic for the week was clothing, and kids can only get so excited about clothing so I decided to make it funny. And funny it was. We've now progressed onto "yummy underwear soup" and "I don't like underwear" as well. Give me some credit before you raise an eyebrow, these munchkins couldn't say more than one word when I started with them 3 months ago!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sketch: Some T-Shirts are Just Amazing

Being a proper Canadian, I will refrain from outright profanity on this site, but the real t-shirt had the whole shebang written on it. This one is funny simply because it's missing the word "a", which now changes the whole meaning. But in general, I can never figure out how these sorts of slogans make it onto fabric. Sometimes you see things that make google translate look impeccable  by comparison!

I think I'll be making these one image sketches more often from now as fillers for weeks when we have no comic strip and just for fun and edutainment. : ) I bet I could make an illustrated book just dedicated to t-shirts in China alone...

Friday, November 7, 2014

Road Safety

Absolute, 100% truth in this one. Yes I have seen a baby in a hood!
While some cities are more strict than others, in general you can happily ride around on any form of motorized 2 wheeled beast without helmets and people or item restriction. Today I saw a man biking a fridge on his handlebars...not even sure how that is physically possible....but!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Guess who's back in the middle kingdom once again?? New place, new beginning, new job, but still the hectic, upside down atmosphere of this immense country.  I plan to start updating a new strip bimonthly as of next week, so stay tuned!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

How to Relax

90% truth, 10% fiction of course. : ) But the point is, they hurt like hell, but the next week you feel like a champion.

Monday, March 17, 2014

The Four Quadrants of Height and Weight

Obviously this is some extreme generalizing but, overall, this is how the four corners of China seem to be height and weightwise, according to my travels and some conversations with friends and their observations. The north eastern seem paler and really really tall and elegantly thin. Where I lived down south east, people are generally shorter than me, much more tan and incredibly wiry. On the south west, I felt pretty comfortable, with people being just a the shorter than me, and generally of the same weight and size. I have yet to go north east to Xingjiang....but as a lot of people are of a mixed race, some northern, some middle eastern and some assumptions about height and weight are these.

Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment or like!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This was a true story. I was later explained that the term huáng rén 黄(yellow person) is in no way insulting and is often used in chinese culture. Coming from politically correct took time getting used to this. 

Friday, February 21, 2014


The text means "Lao wai. 老外", which is the not so nice but oh so common way of referring to foreigners in China. It more or less can also mean alien, and if you look for information on applying for a Chinese visa, the official page refers to foreigners as aliens as well. This is probably the first word you learn upon your arrival in china...and it follows you EVERYWHERE you go as you can see. Some of us can choose to play along. : )